Well here we are, still in lockdown but this time without the sunshine. However, the good news is January has been and gone, February is well underway and therefore Spring will be here before we know it. February also brings with it a whole day dedicated to expressing our love for those we care about and heaven knows we all need a little bit of that right now. For the cynics among us, Valentine's Day is a commercial venture; an excuse to increase the cost of a handful of roses and to pressurise people into buying cards and chocolates when a simple hug would do the job. This year however, we may not be able to hug the ones we love so a handmade reminder might be just the ticket.
These little lavender sachets take minutes to make, use scraps of fabric but come stuffed with love and care. Why not make one for your true love or for anyone who might need reminding that you love them, even if you can't see them.

Here's what you need to for your little lavender sachets...
*Some fabric scraps for the hearts and some for the message.
*Stamps and an ink pad or embroidery thread.
*Lavender or stuffing or a mixture of both.
*Pinking shears are useful but not essential.
*A heart template to draw round.
*Buttons and ribbons for decoration, optional

I started by stamping a message on some fabric scraps but you could embroider someone's name or your message of love if you prefer. I cut the message out using pinking shears, which looks pretty and prevents fraying but sometimes the frayed look can add to the charm so don't worry if you don't have any.

Next I folded my fabric scraps and drew round my heart template so I could cut both heart front and back at the same time. This is particularly useful if you are cutting with pinking shears, as the front and backs match up much better! Again, don't worry if you don't have pinking shears, just make sure you don't stitch too close to the edge if using standard scissors, to allow for a bit of fray.
TOP TIP: I used a Frixion pen to draw round my template as the lines with iron off once I'm finished.

I used a sewing machine to stitch around the message onto one of the heart shapes.
You could also stitch it on by hand with a back stitch or even little cross stitch kisses.

Once your message is in place you can stitch the two heart shapes together, either by hand with a small running stitch or by machine. If stitching by hand, make sure you're stitches are small enough to prevent the lavender from escaping. If stitching with a sewing machine, leave a little gap at one side to add your filling.

I used lavender because I had some to hand and it's really good for keeping moths at bay. You could use any dried flowers, rose petals etc or just toy stuffing but I would advise against over stuffing as this makes it more difficult to stitch the gap closed on the sewing machine. Some machines will allow you to swing the needle over to one side, which is useful for this stage. If you are stitching by hand, make your way most of the way round your heart, add the filling then complete your stitching.

Once complete, you can add buttons or ribbon bows to decorate, making cute little sachets to pop in a knicker drawer or you could add a ribbon loop so they can hang in a wardrobe or from a door handle. Either way, I'm sure your favourite person will love the time you've spent creating a keepsake for them.
I hope you find a little inspiration in this post to keep you going as the days begin to lengthen. Be sure to share any of your makes with me here or on Facebook or Instagram. Keep busy, keep sane and keep sewing x
Love your ideas Vicky. Remember these.... still sit’s in my bedside drawer 🥰
Certainly looks easier than the elephant I was attempting to make with Arabella 😂